Poster # P-227A Creating a Microfiltration Track from the Limbus Through Clear Cornea into the Anterior Chamber Without Dissection Using a Fugo Blade

Presenter: Singh, Daljit

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With a Fugo blade, a 0.3 mm hole is made in the conjunctiva, about 2.5 mm from the limbus. Through this hole the conjunctiva is ballooned with saline,up to its attachment to the cornea. Unactivated Fugo blade is then passed under the conjunctiva to the anterior limit of the limbus. Now, activated at maximum energy, the Fugo blade tip is directed at an angle that will take it through the clear cornea for some distance, before opening into the anterior chamber. The Fugo blade tip is withdrawn. The anterior chamber is filled with air.A bandage lens is placed.

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