Abstract # P-6 Evaluation of Various Modulation Implementations in Torsional Phacoemulsification

Arbisser, Lisa

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About the Presenter:
Lisa Brothers Arbisser, M.D. graduated from Princeton University, got her M.D. at the University of Texas at Houston, did an NIH research fellowship in neurobiology and retina, and then did her residency at University of Iowa Department of Ophthalmology.

She does a large volume of cataract surgery as a cofounder, along with her husband Amir, of a 17 doctor multi-specialty practice in the Quad Cities on the Mississippi River. She is a past president of the American College of Eye Surgeons and teaches at meetings domestically and abroad. She had the opportunity to do live interactive satellite surgery at an ASCRS meeting, has participated in medical missions in India and China, and most recently performed live surgery at the 6th International Symposium of Ophthalmology in Hong Kong. Dr. Arbisser also serves as an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Utah. She has contributed to several text books on cataract surgery and writes numerous articles on related subjects. She and her husband have 4 children.
Arbisser, Lisa B.

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