Abstract # P-250 Artiflex Flexible Artisan IOL: 4-Year Results

Budo, Camille
St.Truiden, Belgium

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About the Presenter:

Surname : Budo
Christian name : Camille Jean Raymond
Title : Doctor
Born : July 7, 1947 in Horpmaal, Belgium
Address : Hasseltsesteenweg 40
Nationality : Belgian

Doctor’s degree in Medicine with high honors from the University of Liege in 1972.
A degree in Ophthalmology granted in 1976 with high honors from the University of Liege (Professor Weekers’s department)

Since 1976 active as an ophthalmologist in a private surgery in Sint-Truiden with specialized work in the pathology and surgery of the anterior segment, and particulary, cataract and refractive surgery.
Research at the University of Liege and the University of Dallas, in particular on the epithelial cells of the anterior capsule of the lens.

Member of the following Ophthalmological Societies and Organisations:

- Belgisch oftalmologisch Gezelschap
(Belgian Ophthalmological Society) BOG

- Nederlands Oogheelkundig Gezelschap
(Dutch Ophthalmological Society) NOG

- Ondervoorzitter van Nederlands Intra-Ocular Implant Club
(Vice president of Dutch Intra-Ocular Implant Society ) NIOIC

- Board of ESCRS

- European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery ESCRS

- American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery ASCRS

- International Society of Refractive Surgery ISRS

- The International Intra-Ocular Implant Club IIIC

- Deutschsprachigen Gesellschaft für Intra-okularlinsen Implantation und
Refractive Chirurgie (German Intra-Ocular Implant Society) DGII

- Société Française D’Ophtalmologie SFO

- Member of the Editorial Board of Ocular Surgery News Europe/Asia-Pacific

- Member of the Jury of ESCRS Film Festival

- Founder and co-organiser of OOPS (Occurrences and Opportunities in Phaco
Surgery) since 1982

- Medical Monitor and Consultant to Ophtec BV

- Member of Who’s Who since 1999

- Member of “2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century” since 2001

Instructional courses:

Since November 1997 Instructor for courses on the subject of Intraocular Lens Implantation for aphakia and refractive surgery. (Artisan Intra Ocular Lens)


Inventor of a number of intraocular lens designs and ophthalmological instruments.


- American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), 1984.
Film Award
“Some details of implantation in the bag”:

- 7th congress of the European Intraocular Implantlens Council 1989
Poster Award
“Epithelial cells of the capsular bag”

- American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), 1993
Film Award– Refractive Surgery
“The Minus Power Iris-Fixation Lens”

- Jan Kiewiet De Jonge Award, European Intraocular Implant Council, 1995

- International Society of Refractive Surgery 1999
Best Paper: Refractive IOLs I
“Long Term Results with the ArtisanTM Lens for Myopia”

- American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), 2001 Best Paper: Cataract: Anesthesia/Viscosurgical Devices
“Effect of Select Viscoelastic on Lens Epithelial Cells from Intact
Rabbit Lenses”

- American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), 2001 Best Paper: Refractive: Phakic IOLs
“Primary Results with the Toric ArtisanTM IOL”


- Co-author of “Consensus betreffende de behandeling van cataract” Nederlands
Oogheelkundig Gezelschap, November 1994
with Leonard P, de Jongh H en de Jongh-Busnac M.

- Designated as expert by the Société Française d’Ophtalmologie à la “Conférence de Consensus sur la chirurgie de la cataracte chez l’adulte”,
4 mai 1995, Paris.

- ESCRS Evaluation club, January 1999, Nantes, January 2000, Sint-Truiden

- Invited to International IMPACT, 1999 Hong Kong.

- Invited to take part in the writing up of the Rapport Annuel de la Société Française d’Ophtalmologie: “2001- Chirurgie Réfractive”

- Co-organiser of ICO 1998 (Live Surgery)

- Additional attendee of advisory panel of FDA meeting February 2004

- Author of the book « Artisan Lens »


Budo C., Poncelet G. et Schoenen J. Effet de la section du sciatique sur l’activité de l’isoenzyme fluorésistant de la phosphatase acide dans la moelle épinière du rat. C.R. Soc. Biol., 1968, 162, 2035-2037.

Budo C., Gerebtzoff M.A., Poncelet G. et Schoenen J. Localisation histochimique et propriétés d’un isoenzyme fluororésistant de la phosphatase acide dans la moelle épinière du rat et de la souris. Extrait du Bulletin de l’Association des Anatomistes 54e Congrès (Sofia, 30 mars –3 avril 1969) –N° 145.

Budo C., Foets B., Galand A., Goes F. and Van Oye R. Results of implantation in the capsular bag. A short term review of 1.588 cases. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Societies of the United Kingdom, 1985, Vol. 104, Part 5.

Budo C. Some details regarding intercapsular implantations. Bull. Soc. belge Ophtal., 1985, 214, 123-129.

Budo C. Some postoperative complications after anterior chamber lens implantations (A.C.L.). Bull. Soc. belge Ophtal., 1985, 215, 101-108.

Budo C. L’ordinateur dans la pratique journalière de l’ophtalmologue. Bull. Soc. belge Ophtal., 1985, 212, 39-45.

Budo C. Complications per-opératoires de la technique d’implantation dans le sac capsulaire. Bull. Soc. belge Ophtal., 1985, 212, 91-96.

Budo C. Evolution de l’implantation intercapsulaire. Bull. Soc. belge Ophtal., 1986, 219, 71-75.

Budo C., Foets B., Galand A., Goes F. and Van Oye R. Two year postoperative results of Galand lens implantation. J. Cataract Refract. Surg., 1986, Vol. 12, N° 2, 135-139.

Budo C. Hydrodissection of the nucleus in intercapsular lens implantation. Bull. Soc. belge Ophtal, 1987, 220, 97-101.

Budo C. In-the-bag placement of the HEMA disk lens. Ocular Surgery News, 1988, Vol. 6, N° 14, 42-43.

Galand A. and Feiss L.J., Consultation section in European Journal of Implant and Refractive Surgery, 1988, Vol. 6, N° 3-4, 106.

Budo C., Montanus F. et Poulicek M. L’implant disc HEMA 8mm et 9mm. La clinique ophtalmologique revue médicale, 1988, 33-39.

Budo C. Preliminary reports on the 8mm Galand Disc-Lens. Bull. Soc. belge Ophtal., 1989.

Budo C. How to clean the capsular bag. IN: Wisnia K, ed, Modern Trends in Ophthalmology, Proceedings of the 18th European Congress of Ophthalmology ECLSO/SOBEVECO, held in Brussels, 16-18 September 1988, Amsterdam, Excerpta Medica, 1989, 221-226.

Budo C. and Montanus F. Anterior capsulotomy: An essential step for intercapsular surgery capsulokleisis. Eur. J. Implant Refract. Surg., 1990, Vol. 2, 107-113.

Budo C. and Montanus F. Hydrodissection and nucleus expression through a “Capsulokleisis” anterior capsulotomy. Ocular Surgery News, 1990, Vol. 8, N° 18, 32-33.

Budo C. and Montanus F. Hydrodissection and nucleus expression through a “Capsulokleisis” anterior capsulotomy. Ocular Surgery News International Edition, 1990, Vol. 1, N° 11, 26-27.

Budo C., Montanus F. and Poulicek M. Early results with the 8 mm and 9 mm HEMA disc intraocular lens. J. Cataract Refract. Surg, 1990, Vol. 16, N° 9, 578-582.

Budo C. and Montanus F. Small capsulotomy and great implant lens. Bull. Soc. belge Ophtal., 1991, 242, 41-46.

Budo C. Choosing an implant: our first 500 cases of phacoemulsification. Ocular Surgery News, 1992, Vol. 10, N° 22, 40-41.

Budo C. Choosing an implant: our first 500 cases of phacoemulsification. Ocular Surgery News International Edition, 1993, Vol. 11, N° 18, 55.

Budo C., Gaill F., Goffinet G., Goossens G. and Montanus F. Cytokeratin in lens epithelial cells and its effect on anterior lens capsule opacification. J. Cataract Refract. Surg., 1993, Vol. 19, 339-343.

Budo C. Adapting the divide and tilting technique over time. Ocular Surgery News, 1993, Vol. 11, N° 18, 77.
Lens extraction benefits high myopes with early cataract. Reported by John F. Henahan Ophthalmology Times, 1993.

Budo C., de Jong H., de Jong-Busnac M. en Leonard P.A.M. Consensus betreffende de behandeling van Cataract. Nederlands Oogheelkundig Gezelschap, 1994.

Budo C. L’acuité visuelle finale est-elle différente (meilleure ou pire) ou identique selon que l’on utilise une technique d’extraction manuelle ou une technique de phacoemulsification? Société Française d’Ophtalmologie, IN: Conférence de consensus sur l’opération de la cataracte de l’adulte, SICOP, Paris, 1995, 102-104.
Phakic myopic IOL achieves stable refractive correction with few complications. Reported by John F. Henahan. Eurotimes, 1997, Vol 2, N° 2, p. 16.
Consultation section Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 1999, Vol 25, N° 6, p. 737.

Artisan IOL gives « excellent » results and very few complications, surgeon says. Reported by Michela Cimberle. Ocular Surgery News, 1999, Vol 17, N° 12, p 46.

OverLeven : « De Zieners », TV-programma Canvas, 5 december 1999.

New Toric Irisclaw anterior chamber lens effective in high astigmatism, Belgian surgeon reports. Reported by Roibeard O’hEineachain. Eurotimes, 2000, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, 8.

Budo C. Cataract in the event of aniridia or large iridectomy. The use of intracapsular rings. IN: Buratto L, ed, Cataract surgery in complicated cases, Chapter 18, Fabio Editore, Milano, 2000, 239-248.

Phakic IOLs: work in progress. Reported by Sara E. Smith. Ocular Surgery News, 2000, Vol. 18, N° 5, 32-33.

Budo C. The Artisan Myopia Lens. Operative Techniques in Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 2000, Vol. 3, N° 1, 27-34.

Specially designed intracapsular rings can fix vision problems associated with iris defects. Reported by Michela Cimberle. Ocular Surgery News, 2000, Vol. 18, N° 5, 6-8.

Toric Artisan lens may be effective means of correcting high astigmatism, surgeon says. Reported by Michela Cimberle. Ocular Surgery News, 2000, Vol. 18, N° 8, 40.

Budo C., Hessloehl J.C., Izak M., Luyten G.P.M., Menezo J.L., Sener B.A., Tassignon M.J., Termote H. and Worst J.G.F. Multicenter study of the Artisan phakic intraocular lens. J. Cataract Refract. Surg., 2000, Vol. 26, N° 8, 1163-1171.

Cohesive viscoelastics may be useful for phakic IOLs. Reported by Ryan DuBosar. Ocular Surgery News, 2000, Vol. 18, N° 17, 27-29.

New Toric Iris-claw phakic IOL yields good early results in European studies. Reported by Roibeard O’hEineachain. Eurotimes 2001, Vol 6, N° 1, p 12.

Difference between private and out of hospital surgery. Reported by Sara E. Smith. Ocular Surgery News, 2001, Vol. 19, N° 5, 44.

Budo C. Technique des implants intra-oculaires phakes à support irien. IN: Chirurgie Réfractive 2001 du Rapport Annuel de la Société Française d’Ophtalmologie, Paris, 2001. (Livre et CD-ROM)

Dispersive viscoelastics best for phaco, but maybe not for phakic implants. Reported by . Ocular Surgery News, 2001, Vol. , N° ,

Foldable version of Artisan Lens shows promise. Reported by Michela Cimberle. Ocular Surgery News, 2002, Vol 20, N° 15, 64.

Foldable version of Artisan Lens shows promise. Reported by Michela Cimberle. Ocular Surgery News, Europe/Asia-Pacific Edition, 2002, Vol 13, N° 9, 40.

Burkhard Dick et al. Toric Phakic Intraocular Lens; European Multicenter Study. Ophthalmology, 2003, Vol 110, N° 1, p. 150-162.

Artisan Lens showing efficacy in phase 3 trial. Reported by Michael Piechocki. Ocular Surgery News, 2003, vol 21, N° 6, p 30-31.

Safer refractive IOLs to boost vision options for ametropes. Reported by Roibeard O’hEineachain. Eurotimes, 2003, Vol 8, N° 4, p. 1, 15.

Winter ESCRS meeting foculses on IOLs, wavefront technology. Reported by Michela Cimberle, Ocular Surgery News, Europe/Asia-Pacific edition, 2003, Vol 14, N° 4, p. 4-5.

Consultation section Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 2003, Vol 29, N° 6, p. 1061.

New IOL tackles anterior-capsule-related complications. Reported by Dermot McGrath, Eurotimes, 2003, Vol 8, N° 9, p.12.

Concept 360 includes barrier effect in IOL design. Reported by Michela Cimberle. 2003, Ocular Surgery News, 2003, Vol 21, N° 22, p.22-23.

Dennis Bellotto, Camille Budo, George Goffinet and Matthew Petroll. Effect of Viscoelastics on Lens Epithelial Cells : A Morphological Study. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 2003, Vol 29, N° 12, p. 2411-2418

Promising results with flexible iris-claw phakic IOL. Reported by Cheryl Guttmann, Eurotimes, 2004, Vol 9, N° 1, P1, 8.

Power calculation easy in eyes with phakic IOLs. Reported by Michela Cimberle. Ocular Surgery News, 2004, Vol 22, N° 2, p. 15.

ESCRS Winter Meeting addresses big questions in refractive Surgery. Reported by Michela Cimberle. Ocular Surgery News, 2004, Vol 22, N° 6, p. 14, 16 – 17.

Power calculation easy in eyes with phakic IOLs. Reported by Michela Cimberle. Ocular Surgery News, Europe/Asia-Pacific edition, 2004, Vol 15, N° 5, p. 7, 10.

European Surgeons share experiences, tips for phakic IOL use. Reported by Kim Norton. Ocular Surgery News, 2004, Vol 22, N° 13, p.28-29, 34-35

Surgeon: future of refractive surgery will lead to “customized vision for all”. Meeting coverage of DOC Nurnberg. Reported by David Mullin and Michael Piechocki. Ocular Surgery News, Europe/Asia-Pacific edition, 2004, Vol 15, N° 9, p.1, 3-7.

Artisan phakic IOL an option for keratoconus, surgeon says. Reported by Michael Piechocki. Ocular Surgery News, 2004, Vol 22, N° 20, p. 3, 56.

Toric phakic IOL an option for keratoconus, surgeon says. Reported by Michael Piechocki. Ocular Surgery News, Europe/Asia-Pacific edition, 2005, Vol 16, N° 1, p. 1, 6.

Promising early results with foldable iris-fixated phakic IOL. Reported by Dermot McGrath Eurotimes, 2005, Vol 10 N° 1 p 24.

International surgeons share phakic IOL expertise. Reported by Kim Norton. Ocular Surgery News, Europe/Asia-Pacific edition, 2005, Vol 16, N° 2, p. 1, 8-9, 12

With careful surgery, few problems found with Artisan/Verisyse Lens, surgeon says. Reported by Michela Cimberle. Ocular Surgery News, Europe/Asia-Pacific edition. 2005, Vol 16, N° 10, p. 28.

Joris E. Coppens, Thomas van de Berg, Camille Budo. Biometry of phakic intraocular lens using Scheimpflug photography. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, 2005, Vol 31, N° 10, p 1904-1914.

Camille Budo, MD, Marjolijn Bartels, MD, Gabriel van Rij, MD, PhD. Implantation of Artisan Toric Phakic Intraocular Lenses for the correction of astigmatism and spherical errors in Patients with Keratoconus. Journal of Refractive Surgery 2005, 21:218-222.

Marjolijn Bartels, Nathalie Santana, Camille Budo et al. Toric phakic intraocular lens for the correction of hyperopia and astigmatism. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 2006, Vol 32, N° 2, p. 243-249.

Nayyirih Tahzib, MD, Rudy Nuyts, Md, Phd, Wendy Wu, Md, Camille Budo, MD. A long term study of Artisan Phakic Intraocular Lens implantation for the correction of moderate to high myopia – 10 years follow up resutls. Ophthalmology 2006 in press (accepted for publication augustus 2006)

Guest surgeon:
From 1986 till today invited for “Guest Surgery” in various countries:

Argentina: -October 1989: Buenos Aires

-December 1999: Buenos Aires: ArtisanTM Day

Austria: -September 1999: Vienna: XVIIth Congress of the ESCRS

Bangkok -April 2004 Artisan Training

Belgium: -1989 Liège: InterCapsula ‘89

-November 1999: Brussels: Ophthalmologica Belgica (OB): Cataract
Live Surgery

-September 2000: Brussels: XVIIIth Congress of the ESCRS

-January 2005 Antwerp: Annual Scientific Meeting of BSCRS

France: -April 1990 Antibes

-February 1994: Paris: Hôtel Dieu

-1994: Nantes: Phacomania

-February 1995: Paris: Hôtel Dieu

-March 1995: Clermont Ferrand

-January 1996: Paris: Hôpital Américain

-January 1997: Paris: Clinique de la Muette:

-January 1998: Paris: Clinique de la Muette
XVe Cours FOCH

-September 1998: Nice: Clinique Saint George
ESCRS Congress

-November 1998: Paris: Generation Refraction:
Fondation Ophtalmologique A. de Rothschild

-January 1999: Paris: Hopital Américain

-March 1999: Nantes: OphtaNantes

-April 1999: Perpignan

France : -September 1999: Vichy: Vingt siècles d’Ophtalmologie: retour vers
le futur

-January 2000: Paris: Direct Vidéo 2000

-June 2000: Paris: Réfraction 2000

-October 2000: Perpignan: Cours de formation “Pose de l’implant

-December 2001 : Nantes : Phacomania

-February 2002: Paris L’Odyssée de l’Implant

-May 2002: Paris: Cours: Bioptic around the iris

Germany : -May 2001 : Nürnberg : DORC 14. Krongress der Deutschen

Greece: -February 2002: Athens: 2002 16th International Congress of the
Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implants and
Refractive Surgery

-January 2006: Athens:20th International Congress of the
Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implants and
Refractive Surgery

Italy: -October 1996 Milano: Casa di Cura San Pio
International Congress of Cataract Surgery
“Videocataract 1996”

-March 1998: Milano : Video Refractive 1998

-March 1999: Milano: Video Refractive 1999

-September 1999: Bologna: 4th Phaco no limits, 5th Phaco Festival

-March 2005 Milan: Videorefrattive 2005

Libya: -December 1997: Tripoli

Portugal: -October 2001: Porto: Catarata e Chirurgia Refractiva CIRP 2001

-May 2004: Jornadas de Oftalmologia

Russia: -November 2004: Vth International Annual Conference

Slovakia: -June 2000: Banská Bystrica

Spain: -May-June 2000: Alicante: Refractiva 2000

The Netherlands-September 2001: Amsterdam: XIX Congress of the ESCRS

Tunis: -April 1998: Tunis: Tunis Live ’98
International Society of Refractive Surgery

-April 2000: Tunis: Tunis Live 2000

Tunis: -October 2001: Tunis: Tunis Live’ 2001

U.S.A.: -1987 Lincoln-Nebraska

-November 1998: New Orleans: Pre AAO Phaco Pearls from Around
the World
-October 1999: New Orleans: Phaco Pearls 1999

Invited Surgeons for surgery in Belgium

02/02/1985: Implantation in the bag -1985 in Sint-Truiden
Dr. Binkhorst, the Netherlands
Dr. Galand, France
Dr. Sourdille, France

23/05/1987: Intercapsular lensimplantation in Sint-Truiden
Prof. Blumental, Israel
Dr. Charleux, France
Dr. Galand, Belgique

21-22/10/1989: 3e Cataract Symposium in Sint-Truiden:
Dr. Mandel, U.S.A.
Prof. Blumental, Israel
Dr. de Laage de Meux, France

1991 4° Cataract Symposium in Sint-Truiden

1993 5° Cataract Symposium in Sint-Truiden
Dr. Worst, the Netherlands
Dr. Crozafon, France
Dr. Kelman, U.S.A.

4-5/03/1994 OOPS (Occurrences and Opportunities in Phaco Surgery) in
Dr. Cornic, France
Dr. Crozafon, France
Dr. Pietrini, France

3-4 March 1995: Mini-OOPS 1995 in Charleroi:
Dr. Crozafon, France
Dr. Pietrini, France
Dr. Regnier, Belgique

26-27/04/1996 OOPS 1996 in Sint-Truiden
Dr. Brint, U.S.A.
Dr. Crozafon, France
Dr. Pietrini, France
Dr. Regnier, Belgique
Dr. Trap, the Netherlands
Dr. Weiser, France

12-13/09/1997: OOPS 1997 in Charleroi
Dr. Brint, U.S.A.
Dr. Crozafon, France
Dr. Pietrini, France
Dr. Regnier, Belgium

22/06/1998 OOPS 1998 in Sint-Truiden
Dr. Brint, U.S.A.
Dr. Buratto, Italy
Dr. Cornic, France
Dr. Crozafon, France
Dr. Lehmann, U.S.A.
Dr. Nagahara, Japan
Dr. Neuhann, Germany
Dr. Pietrini, France
Dr. Regnier, Belgique
Dr. Trap, the Netherlands

20/11/1999: MiniOOPS 1999 in Charleroi
Dr. Brint, U.S.A.
Dr. Crozafon, France
Dr. Jonckheere, Belgique
Dr. Packard, U.K.

10/03/2001: OOPS 2001 in Sint-Truiden
Dr. Cornic, France
Dr. Crozafon, France
Dr. Guell, Italy
Dr. Maréchal, Belgique
Dr. Pirazzoli, Italy
Dr. Tjiá, the Netherlands

16/03/2002: MiniOOPS 2002 in Liège
Dr. Blanckaert, Belgium
Dr. Brint, U.S.A.
Dr. Crozafon, France
Prof. Galand, Belgium
Dr. Haustermans, Belgium
Dr. Jonckheere, Belgium
Dr. Maréchal, Belgium
Dr. Tackoen, Belgium
Dr. Tjia, the Netherlands

15/03/2003 OOPS 2003 in Brussels
Dr. Blanckaert, Belgium
Dr. Bosc, France
Dr. Brint, U.S.A.
Dr. Cornic, France
Dr. Crozafon, France
Dr. Dick, Germany
Dr. Koch, Germany
Dr. Luyten, the Netherlands
Dr. Sekundo, Germany
Dr. Tjia, the Netherlands
Prof. Zeyen, Belgium

05/06/2004 MiniOOPS 2004 in Antwerp
Dr. Blanckaert, Belgium
Dr. Crozafon, France
Dr. Hachet, France
Dr. Jonckheere, Belgium
Dr. Marechal, Belgium
Dr. Tackoen, Belgium
Prof. Zeyen, Belgium

11/06/2005 OOPS 2005 Brussels
Dr. Blanckaert, Belgium
Dr. Brint, U.S.A.
Dr. Crozafon, France
Dr. Nuyts, the Netherlands
Dr. Pande, United Kingdom
Dr. Tackoen, Belgium
Dr. Van Cauwenberghe, Belgium

10/06/2006 Joint Meeting OOPS-BSCRS-OBAO Ottignies
Dr. Blanckaert, Belgium
Dr. Cornic, France
Dr. De Groot, Belgium
Dr. Gomez, Spain
Dr. Lesieur, France
Dr. Schepens, Belgium
Dr. Termote, Belgium
Dr. Van Acker, Belgium
Dr. Van Cauwenberge, Belgium

Budo, Camille R.

Oogartsenpraktijk Dr. C. Budo
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Title: Artiflex indication and results:

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