Abstract # P-3 Torsional Phaco Versus Combined Torsional/Traditional Phaco in Removing Hard Cataracts

Amparo, Francisco
Mexico City, Mexico

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About the Presenter:
Dr. Francisco Amparo was born in Guadalajara, México in 1979. He earned his medical degree from Guadalajara University School of Medicine where he graduated with honors. He finished his residency in Ophthalmology at the Association to Prevent Blindness in México’s Hospital, earning his postgraduate degree from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in México City. He recently finished the fellowship in Anterior Segment Surgery at the same Institutions. He currently belongs to Mexican Council of Ophthalmology and Mexican Society of Ophthalmology, the most important ophthalmic societies in México.
Contact the presenter at:
Amparo, Francisco; Velasco-Barona, Cecilio F.; Mendoza Schuster, Erick; Cervantes Coste, Guadalupe; Pacheco, Jorge

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